Short Essay On Responsibility

In this essay we are going to talk about the Responsibility. Responsibility is the condition of having a commitment to manage something. It is one of the features of our character which insinuate that any person can react to his or her progress, can take commitments and tackle any outcomes of the activities that might happen. Responsibility can also be defined as a condition to be blamed for something or be accountable for any certain thing.

Short Essay On Responsibility

Responsibility is a fact or condition and a duty to handle something or to have the power to control over someone. It also means that someone is accountable for something. If any person fails to do their job then they are accountable for their actions. If they make any excuses then they portray lack of accountability and hence responsibility. A person who has a sense of responsibility will never deny their blame or make excuses.

In human being’s life and character responsibility is a very important and main part. A human being who has many tasks which might occur at any given moment and can be trusted to complete all the given task has their own sense of responsibility within them. If a person does not have responsibility then they are not eligible to be placed in the leadership position as these positions require high responsibility to carry out any task. A company, business, institution, etc. depends on a leader or boss and if the boss or leader is not responsible enough or cannot take responsibility for any failure or task then the whole company, institutions, business, etc. will suffer from huge loss or might even collapse. We cannot even rely upon a person be it our superiors, friends, husband, wife, subordinates or colleagues who cannot take responsibility of others or any of their actions.

The leadership position which requires responsibility it means to sustain a variety of tasks which are already set within the extent of leadership while simultaneously keeping in mind of their own tasks and activities. Any person who is in the leadership position is not just only required to maintain the responsibility for himself and the job they are doing but also for people. Responsibility is value which might decide his worth of being a leader as well. Hence, responsibility is a very important characteristic one must have throughout his/her life. This value is not important only in leadership position but also in personal responsibility and also in the group milieu. He has to know well about the activities and works of his colleagues and subordinates and check their work personally and be sure that their personal propensity is fitting the specified standard.

Even on a daily basis, responsibility is a very important feature. Every human being should have the responsibility to accept their accountability for their actions and be careful and keep in mind to complete their duties and their qualities. According to this, in human development, responsibility is very important. Without responsibility, there will not be any improvement in any individual on a personal basis, which will be a basis in the society. If any person lacks responsibility then it signifies a lack of many other values which are also important. And, a person lacks commitment, personal esteem, pride and reliability if he or she lacks responsibility and accountability.

Responsibility is also applicable in the scene of a group. For any activity or event like projects, meetings or carrying out a particular task together in a group, all the group members might feel like every member should take responsibility for their own actions to carry out the activity or event. This tasks can also be for any other thing like it can be for a company or a small event organizing group, etc. This proves that even in a small setting or scene, responsibility is very important and plays a pivotal role for their own self and for the well being of the group as well. Other member, or colleagues or any other individual should be able to depend on the other person for responsibility and to complete the task properly. And hence, this shows the responsibility’s role in people’s life and in the society.

The relevance of responsibility is huge in this world. In every country, the society is built in hierarchy be it relations, professional field, personal domains, work or in any other field. The more a person’s level of position, the more increases his responsibility. A leader should be in charge of any person be it their subordinates or their employees or any other events or activities, and hence, for these activities the leader is held accountable or it depends on their responsibility for the outcomes and consequences.

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Sometimes, a person who lacks responsibility might be put in the position of leader or boss of any company or any other group. This leads to a very poor development and working system which starts from that particular individual and might spread to affect everyone else’s work. And thus, this becomes a huge problem if the leader only lacks responsibility. Because of this reasons, in every society and in the whole world, responsibility is important.

We cannot expect someone else to be held accountable for our tasks, activities and mistakes. We have to perform our day to day tasks all by ourselves and take responsibility for that. Any intelligent or a good person takes the blame on themselves and takes the responsibility and tries to improve themselves and makeup for their mistakes and actions.

There are many advantages of responsibility and they are listed below:

We are assigned with responsibility

When a person can be trusted then in any organisation or company he or she is assigned with some responsibility and they are hold accountable for their own work or tasks. Everyone in the company knows what they can expect from that particular person. They cannot shift their responsibility to someone else be it their colleagues or peers from the same department if they make any mistakes or anything goes wrong. So under such systems these kind of responsibility is usually allocated individually.

Responsibility improves performance

Responsibility allocated to us can also work as motivation. The person has idea that their work or activities and responsibility that they are allocated with will be looked upon by their superiors so, they try to improve their work. And people who have low performance work also try to improve their work and performance and take responsibility for their own actions and work.

Assignment and control

Responsibility allows any system or management to assign authority holding on to overall control. This authority is basically assigned depending on which person needs to do which kind of tasks and works. And, responsibility is given on that particular person which helps them to take care and control of their work. Since, the responsibility of the superiors like leaders, boss is high so the power of control and authority remains with them.

Responsibility also helps in planning cost

People who have more responsibility have all the information regarding the costs of any company or business or any other institutions. And, in the future this data or information helps in planning in the costs required and fixing the budgets and maintaining every revenue related things.

Responsibility also helps in decision making

Responsibility helps a lot on decision making process. A person who has the responsibility to take care of all the data and information regarding the system of any company, business or costs and budget data they try not to make any mistakes and provides accurate information regarding this topics to their superiors and the top managements which helps to make certain decisions required for the betterment of the company or business. In personal life also we need to take a lot of decisions which are tough for us and if we take responsibility for any particular domain then it becomes easier to take those decisions.

Responsibility also comes with a lot of tensions, stress and burden. The more we go higher in our life, the more we have take responsibility of many things be it our parents, children, workload, revenue and many other things. We will be held accountable for our own actions and sometimes we get scared of the consequences and many people try to run away from their responsibility as they get scared or do not want any stress or burden.

Though for many people responsible might be hard, but for many other people it might be the reason for their happiness. Getting responsibility might raise the worth of that individual. His importance in the office, business or any other field might get increased. Others will admire them and they might become role model as well for many new comers or for any other person. It is an important feature and value in our society. It inspires us to have a self-esteem, to be trustworthy, be reliable, have a good and true character, become someone’s role model, and be honest and takes responsibility for something and it also helps us to achieve something in our life and be someone who will be trusted by other people in the society, work and in personal domain.

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