Short Essay On Positive Thinking

In this essay we are going to talk about the Positive Thinking. We all know how times are getting hard every day. We have been battling a pandemic since forever now. Many people have lost their jobs and on the other hand many people have lost their loved ones. But giving up is never our option. We have got this, and we must go through this. And the only way to survive these hard times with sound mental health is positive thinking. We cannot talk enough about the goodness of positive thinking. Positive thinking can solve several issues of our life. On the other hand, negative thinking must power to almost destroy our life. This is an essay on positive thinking and this essay will help you understand the power of positive thinking.

Short Essay On Positive Thinking

Before we go any further, let us first understand the definition of positive thinking. Positive thinking can also be called as optimistic attitude. Positive thinking is basically the way of concentrating on the good part in any given situation and continuing with it. Positive thinking also means that not getting discouraged when something goes wrong, or something does not go the way we had expected it to go. Positive thinking has affects everything in our life. It has affects on our mental health as well as our physical health. Positive thinking anticipates happiness, strength, health, determination and finally success.

Essay On Positive Thinking

Advantage Of Positive Thinking

There are numerous advantages of positive thinking on both- physical and mental health. We almost ignore our thinking process, but we need to understand the fact that only struggle won’t help us to succeed. Positive thinking is a very important aspect to succeed in life.

Physical health- being healthy is being happy and being happy is being healthy. Surprisingly positive thinking has the power of increasing life span. Most of us, do not know about this fact. It helps us maintain a greater resistance to the common cold. Not only that, but positive thinking also helps us to any kinds of diseases. It saves us from cardiovascular issues and death from cardiovascular diseases.

Mental health- positive thinking has the greatest effect on our mental health. A person who has a negative outlook for everything in life tends to develop mental illness easily. We need to see possible hope in every situation of life to keep ourselves going. Positive thinking helps in the time of crisis as it helps us to manage stress levels.

Better resilience- positive thinking and presence of mind helps the person to stay resilient. It is not a surprising fact that people who are resilient can manage stressful situations easily. Even researchers have found out that people with positive thinking, during some natural disaster or some terrorist attack, tend to stay more motivated. It is said that a winner always sees solution for every problem and a loser sees problem for every solution. Hence, positivism always allows you to win every time.

Building Positive Attitude

We become what we see. We should avoid watching negative series, movies etc. we should inculcate the habit of reading motivational and inspiring stories and quotes. These kinds of stories will always keep us motivated and we will never lose hope of achieving success that we have dreamt about.

anything negative. We should skip those negatives every time they try poke in. We should replace those negative feeling with constructive positive thoughts and create a happy environment in our minds.

We should not waste time thinking about someone else’s negative qualities. We should always take the good from others and ignore their negative qualities. We should never even discuss about someone’s bad quality. Moreover, we should spend our time and energy on self-growth.

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Application Of Positive Thinking

we have often come across certain people who always use words which are quite negative. Words that can make the whole sentence look negative or wrong. We should replace those words with positive words. We need to start using words that evoke the feeling of motivation, strength, and optimism. We should start practising positive affirmations.

We need to have faith in ourselves. We are different from each other. And we all are unique. We are ought to make mistakes and we are ought to do things which no one else could do. Our destiny is never pre-determined. We are working for it every day; our everyday struggles are making our future. Fulfilling our dreams is in our hands. We need to motivate ourselves with a tint of positivism to go on this journey of destiny.

Increasing Positive Thinking

Staying positive all the time, sometimes seems tough and dramatic. But we do not have any other option as well. Yes. Choosing negativity is never our option. But the task is how do we stay positive every minute in life. We need to increase positive thinking.

Sleeping is essential to have a positive outlook towards life. Our brain needs enough rest too, to think properly and take rational decision. Positivism is part of the decision-making process. Therefore, when we go for a sound sleep, we tend to inculcate positivism.

Another major aspect of life is time for meditation. We must take a minute or more to meditate every day. Meditation is highly required in life if one wants to really succeed in life. Meditation is nothing but an exercise for our minds. It is a fact that meditation increases positivism in us.

Physical exercise is equally important to keep our mind healthy. We have become lazy these days, but we must include physical exercise in our daily life. Even if you can not take out time for exercise, you can at least go for a walk to keep your mind happy and positive.

Essay On Positive Thinking In English


There is a thin line between optimism and happiness. We need to understand that. Optimism is positivism but happiness is one of the aspects of positivism. A person with a positive mindset can do a lot in life. Positivism can help us complete the tasks which looks impossible. Positivism is important in our career as well as our relationships. It is the key to success. No matter what our life goes through, positivism will always help us to get through it.

This was an essay on positive thinking. This might help you to inculcate positive thinking in your life.

Thank you.

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